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Thursday, November 18, 2010

What's on Early Marriage?

Do you already know and understand very well what your duties as a wife or a husband? If not, here are three first tasks that must be implemented at the beginning of your marriage

When the two lovers decide to get married, each person they actually are in the process of self development. Romantic idealism can sometimes even turn into a question: "Can we pass all together?''Desire and hope mixed with fear, anxiety and shock. Many new events, even the unexpected appears in their lives. Some of which can be estimated to be overcome with good, but the events that appear in unexpected ways to mess up your day.

One of the most common assumption is not realistic is the assumption that the marriage relationship will always be the same as at the beginning of marriage.changes must occur. But unfortunately, sometimes it weakens the many individuals and couples, especially if the changes are negative or unexpected.

At any stage of marriage, a spouse will always be faced with many problems and conflicts that need to be resolved. Neither the husband nor the wife should continue to grow, both personally and together. Principally, lasting relationships are more likely to occur if both continue to grow and develop.

Three initial task

Similar to the stages or phases that must be overcome in life, as well as a wedding.There are several important steps that must be passed by married couples, especially early in their marriage. Here at least there are three stages, or rather a duty, which should be done a couple since the beginning of their marriage. Here it is three duties of husband and wife:

1. The first task, defining what being a wife and being a husband. It is important for each person to maintain his personal identity as closer as husband and wife.Remember, the marriage relationship ought to be a relationship of "free" is not even make one party feel "imprisoned". Free here in the sense, each one of you are free floated the uniqueness and talents of its own way. Even an ideal, if you can combine both strength and it will provide great potential for your marriage relationship. If the spouse does not allow each person to each other to develop, grow, and be creative then just great conflicts that would follow in the life of your household.

2. The second task is to create new relationships with parents and family. You have to let go of dependency on parents. Although you still have to maintain a close relationship with them. With the marriage, then you should be ready to leave them.The point one must ''leave the" to be "united".

3. The third task is to develop a love of romantic courtship which is based on an unwavering sense of commitment. Before getting married you may be interested in specialized innate character of a partner because you value as a strength. but after all this time getting married, you just find that it forces even bother, you even see it as weakness, so you want a private partner to change. If this happens, you should discuss them and not attack it. Condemning certain behaviors as weakness couples would not take the slightest kindness in your relationship.

 All three of the above before, only a fraction of the tasks that must be faced by married couples in early marriage because there are many other tasks in creating a harmonious relationship.
source: wedding magazine

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